OCIA Resources

OFW Resources
“The rite of initiation is… a spiritual journey…which varies according to the many forms of God’s grace and the free cooperation of individuals.”

-(OCIA, Introduction #5).

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a journey through different spiritual phases of increasing maturity by which one prepares to commit oneself to Jesus Christ and His Church through the search for the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist)

The OCIA is for:

  • Any unbaptized person who seeks to follow Christ in his Church as preparation for Christian discipleship through baptism, confirmation, and the Eucharist. Such a person, after a period of research on faith and initial conversion to Christ is called: Catechumen.
  • Anyone baptized from another Christian community seeking to be Catholic through preparation for Confirmation and Communion. Such a person, after a period of research on faith, is called a Candidate.
  • Any baptized Catholic who seeks to increase his devotion as a disciple of Jesus Christ through the realization of the other sacraments of initiation such as Confirmation and Communion.
NEW: OCIA-RICA 2025 Rite Dates (Download PDF Here)

Connecting Scripture and Life Podcast

Please join Fr. Juan Ochoa, Director of the Office for Divine Worship at the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and your host, Barbara Murphy, Coordinator of the Catholic Bible Institute for Go and Make Disciples: Order of Christian Initiation of Adults—a new podcast series!

In the coming episodes experts will join us to talk about the history of Initiation in the Church; the kerygma, the proclamation; conversion; OCIA with children and teens, among many topics related to the new OCIA.

Connecting Scripture and Life Podcast Playlists
Available on: 

Contact Barbara Murphy for more information: bmurphy@la-archdiocese.org

Important Documents
Important Dates:
  • The 2025 Rite of Election will take place on Sunday, March 09, 2025 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. For those preparing to receive the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and first communion this Easter Vigil, April 19, 2025, this is a required rite. It marks the final stage of preparation for the catechumens who will celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation.
  • El Rito de elección se realizará el domingo 09 de marzo de 2025,  en la Catedral de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles. Este rito es un requisito para todos los que están preparándose a recibir los sacramentos de bautismo, primera comunión y confirmación en esta vigilia pascual, 19 de abril de 2025. El rito marca el paso final para los catecúmenos que se prepararan a recibir los sacramentos de iniciación.
  • The 2025 Rite of Calling to Continuing Conversion will be on Sunday, March 16, 2025 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. This is a celebration for those called to complete sacraments of Initiation (Holy Communion & Confirmation only) in the Catholic Church.
  • El rito para el llamado a la conversión continua se realizará el domingo 16 de marzo de 2025 en la Catedral de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles. Esta celebración es para los que completarán los sacramentos de Iniciación (Sagrada Comunión y Confirmación en la misma liturgia) en la Iglesia Católica)

For further information on the Order for Christian Initiation of Adults program, please contact Leticia S. Perez by calling (213) 637-7595 or writing an email to lperez@la-archdiocese.org


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