May all who suffer find hope and healing in Jesus Christ, and may the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Angels, be a mother to us all.
Most Reverend José H. Gomez
-Archbishop of Los Angeles
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Plaintiff’s Liaison Committee announced today that an agreement in principle has been reached for a global settlement for the remaining claims filed against the Archdiocese under California Assembly Bill 218 (AB 218).
No designated donations to parishes or to archdiocesan-wide collections and campaigns, such as Together in Mission and Called to Renew, will be used for this settlement.
Most Reverend José H. Gomez
-Archbishop of Los Angeles

The Archdiocese has compiled all the claims involving clergy from both openings of the statute of limitations, those reported directly to the Archdiocese since 2002, and those presented under the Independent Compensation Program for Survivor-Victims of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Priests (ICP). From the information received, most cases involve clergy who have died or are no longer in ministry, with the alleged abuse having occurred in the 1970s and earlier.
The following graph illustrates the number of cases naming the Archdiocese and, to the extent identified by the claimant, when the alleged abuse occurred. Click here to view the chart.
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