Isaac Cuevas
Director of Immigration and Public Affairs

The Office of Life, Justice, and Peace (OLJP) implements the vision of Archbishop José Gomez on social issues by offering strategic leadership to parishes and community partners through education, advocacy, prayer, and service. OLJP promotes the common good, rooting initiatives in the reality that each person is created by God for a relationship with him and in community with others.
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles, with our vast ethnic, cultural and economic diversity, is a small manifestation of the universal Church. Promoting authentic human development in this context requires a culture of encounter and a transformative commitment to solidarity.
OLJP focuses on the issues of abortion, assisted suicide, immigration, death penalty, human trafficking, homelessness, poverty, foster care, healthcare, post-abortion healing, religious freedom, and environmental justice within the context of developing an authentic human ecology for the communities of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
Senior Director, Office of Life, Justice and Peace
(213) 637-7047
Director of Immigration and Public Affairs
Director, Caring for the Whole Person
Associate Director, Programs & Projects
Associate Director for Racial Relations
Coor. Ministry to Families of the Incarcerated
Liaison for Healthcare Ministry
Office/Program Manager