Strengthening Marriages and Families
Marriage and family are at the heart of God’s plan. In the Bible’s first pages, we read about the marriage of Adam and Eve. In its last pages, we read about the “wedding feast” of Jesus and his Church. Jesus was born and raised in a family. He performed his first miracle at a wedding. And he gave his Church the mission of completing God’s plan — proclaiming that God is our Father and inviting all nations to live as one family. Family is the natural bond that holds every society together.
Families face many challenges, which we must confront. But the key to renewal is for us to rediscover the beauty and simplicity of family in God’s plan. There is something unique — beautiful and sacred — about the relationship between man and woman in marriage. Their union creates new life, a new generation of society. We are called to support families trying to live these truths. We reach out with tenderness to those who have trouble living these truths. Marriage is a sacrament — a living sign of God’s love. It is a vocation — a calling to spouses to bear witness to God’s love and build his Kingdom, his family on earth.
News & Events on Family
The Christian family’s radical roots
Augustus Caesar seemed a savior. In his long reign as Roman emperor, he unified lands and peoples stretching from B... READ MORE »
First World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly
In January, Pope Francis instituted a World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, to be celebrated each year on the... READ MORE »
Six steps to foster more family prayer
Create a sacred space in your home, have family members take turns leading prayer and establish a routine for praye... READ MORE »
Emmaus Ministry brings light of hope to grieving parents
A beautiful little girl with long brown hair dies unexpectedly, as does a precious baby only a few days old, a trou... READ MORE »
Prison art teacher’s memoir weaves family, poetry, and vocation
Deborah Tobola is known as a visionary pioneer in the field of arts in U.S. corrections. She is a graduate of the U... READ MORE »
What is the family’s value in our society?
We need to put the family first again in our society. For the Church, the family has always been what the popes cal... READ MORE »
Family Highlighted on Social Media