Sr. Tracey Sharp, JCL
Associate Vicar
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles is a rich tapestry of variety and diversity of religious women in ministry according to their charism. As we continue our journey, we pray for a deeper understanding of our vocational call. While each of us minister in a particular way, we are together serving the Body of Christ. We recognize that we are called to collaborate and work together as women of faith.
The Office of the Vicar for Women Religious exists to assist women religious with all matters directly related to their ministry in the Archdiocese. The office serves as a resource for all consecrated women religious, including members of religious institutes, secular institutes, associations of the faithful, and diverse forms of consecrated life.
What do religious do all day?
The majority of the day is filled with prayers, ministry, and community living. Members pray and eat together, do spiritual reading, spend time in recreation as a community, and fulfill their obligations according to their apostolate in society. They work as teachers, counselors, nurses, principals, social workers, parish leaders, and so on.
We invite you to discover your vocation at
Associate Vicar
Inter-Congregational Vocations Promoter
Administrative Secretary
Project and Data Management