The following is a list of departments, offices and ministries of the Archdiocesan Catholic Center (Chancery Office). Where available, links are provided to additional information and contact information on this site.
Departments (Alphabetical)
Annual Catholic Appeal (Together in Mission):
Coordinates all fundraising and support programs of the Archdiocese, including the Annual Appeal of the Archdiocese, “Together in Mission,” Capital Campaign Programs, Offertory Increase Programs for the parishes, Car Donation Program, and works to obtain Corporation and Foundation support. The department provides guidance, support, and assistance for laity and clergy to generate new financial resources to strengthen parishes and the Archdiocese. Learn More.
Applied Technology:
Provides strategic direction, IT infrastructure support and evaluates emerging technologies for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Is responsible for the computer networks and servers of all Archdiocesan Offices, including Internet and email. Helps parishes, schools, regional offices, and the ACC strategize, obtain, and maintain their IT. Offers direct support to ACC departments. Learn More.
Office of the Archbishop
Serves as the liaison between the parishes and the Archbishop. The office is comprised of the Archbishop’s secretarial and support staff. Learn More.
Archival Center:
Serves as a repository for documents, books and related materials pertaining to the history of the Archdiocese and its predecessor jurisdictions since 1840; collects, preserves, interprets , and provides access to these materials and provides a variety of outreach programs involving the editing and publication of materials for the benefit of the historical and ministerial community. Learn More.
Archbishop’s Theologian:
Assists the Archbishop in theological matters.
Catholic Charities:
Acts as the social service arm of the Archdiocese by working with the community and parishes supplying human services to: individuals and families in crisis; persons in poverty; homeless adults and children; elderly; children and youth at risk; special adult population, and refugees and immigrants. Learn More.
Catholic Campaign for Human Development (See Office of Life, Justice and Peace):
The domestic anti-poverty, social justice program of the U.S. Catholic community. Its mission is to address the root causes of poverty in America through promotion and support of community-controlled, self-help organizations and through transformative education.
Catholic Cemeteries:
Acts as an extension of the parish in carrying out the sacred ministry of Christian burial by providing comprehensive cemetery, mortuary, and bereavement services to the Catholic community. Learn More.
Catholic Education Foundation:
Raises funds and grants need-based scholarships to students to attend elementary schools and high schools in the Archdiocese. They work to support excellence in Catholic schools and make education as affordable as possible by seeking creative ways to ensure that the poor and disadvantaged are served by our schools. Learn More.
Catholic Relief Services (CRS):
Works in solidarity with the poor in more than 90 countries and territories. CRS acts with local communities and partners to respond to natural and humanitarian disasters and to address the root causes of poverty through long-term sustainable development projects. Learn More.
Assists the Moderator of the Curia in his administration of the Archdiocesan Catholic Center and Leadership Team. Sr. Mary Anncarla Costello, SND Learn More.
Clergy: See Vicar for Clergy.
Clergy Misconduct Oversight Board (See Victims Assistance Ministry):
Oversees and addresses issues of clergy misconduct, especially with respect to sexual abuse of minors.
Catholic Ministry with Lesbian & Gay Persons (CMLGP):
CMLGP (formerly Ministry with Lesbian & Gay Catholics) recognizes that all persons with a homosexual orientation are capable of living a full Catholic life in union with all the members of the Church. CMLGP supports movements for homosexual and lesbian persons that are consonant with Church teaching, especially those which safeguard human dignity and promote human rights. (Peggy Ehling, Chair) Learn More.
Applies new tools and technologies to engage audiences and drive action, both online and in person. The Communications team is committed to building our Catholic family from Los Angeles to Santa Barbara by connecting people with the sacraments, supporting pastors in strengthening parish life, and connecting each person with their unique vocations and God’s call to love through evangelization, continued education, and service. Learn More.
Acts as a service to parishes and schools to ensure that a construction project is expedited in the best interests of the parish/school/location and the Archdiocese. Learn More.
The Director of Deacons is part of the Office of the Vicar for Clergy. Learn More.
Offers expertise to enhance fund-raising activities. As a central resource, the Development Office ensures that activities are organized in a way that makes responsible use of donated funds and responds to current and future needs of our Archdiocese and those it serves. Learn More.
Diaconate Formation:
Provides information, a selection process, and a Diaconate formation program for those discerning a vocation to the Permanent Diaconate Ministry; provides assistance to the Vicar for Clergy and pastors in the final assignment of the deacons to parishes. Learn More.
Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs:
Serves the Archdiocese as a resource to the Archbishop and the various offices of the Archdiocese in all matters of ecumenical and interreligious issues. The Director is a representative to the multiple Christian and non-Christian communities in the greater Los Angeles area as well as a developer and coordinator of bilateral and multilateral official dialogues in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Learn more.
Education (Department of Catholic Schools):
Serves the Archdiocese as a resource to the Archbishop and the various offices of the Archdiocese in all matters of ecumenical and interreligious issues. The Director is a representative to the multiple Christian and non-Christian communities in the greater Los Angeles area as well as a developer and coordinator of bilateral and multilateral official dialogues in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Learn More.
Ethnic Ministry:
Works in collaboration with Archdiocesan pastoral ministries and agencies in ministering to ethnic Catholic communities to provide resources and services to empower ethnic leaders to build up faith communities in the Church. Learn More.
Financial Services:
Gives support and direction regarding financial matters; acts as co-partners with parish staffs to improve Archdiocesan financial stability and to ensure financial stewardship. The office of Financial Services includes the Chief Financial Officer, Accounting, Internal Audit, Investments, Payroll, and Pension. Learn More.
Health Affairs:
Acts as liaison between Catholic Health Services and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles; available for consultation with parishes regarding health issues and pastoral care of the sick and elderly in health facilities.
HIV/AIDS Ministry:
Provides liturgical, educational and networking resources and referrals. Offers pastoral care, visits, speakers, resource manuals, and training, bringing a Catholic voice to the experience of HIV/AIDS. Learn More.
House of Prayer (Cardinal Timothy Manning House of Prayer for Priests):
Cares for and serves the priests who come to the House of Prayer for retreats of various lengths, days of recollection, prayer support groups, spiritual direction, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and to spend time in prayer and reflection. Learn More.
Human Resources:
Advises Archdiocesan personnel regarding all personnel policies. Recruits and hires ACC employees and maintains personnel records. Learn More.
Immigration Affairs:
The Office of Immigration Affairs works with parishes and schools to educate and advocate for immigrant rights, encounters with immigration enforcement, and develop family preparation plans. Learn More.
Instructional Television:
Extends the education program in Catholic schools by providing continuing support of their instructional technology activities; assists in planning for the extended use of technology in the curriculum; and provides a wide variety of services related to the use of media in support of the goals of the Archdiocese.
Administers employee benefit programs. Administers all health and property insurance, including risk management and safety programs. Learn More.
Life, Justice and Peace:
Provides educational programs and resources on Catholic social teaching and on the application of that teaching and tradition to current social issues; provides training and resources that will assist parishioners and parish groups to advocate effectively on social issues and promote active citizenship within their parish communities. Coordinates the archdiocese’s response to legislative issues. Administers the Catholic Campaign for Human Development and Catholic Relief Services programs within the Archdiocese. Learn More.
Legal Counsel:
Serves the parishes and institutions by answering legal questions, including questions regarding contracts with vendors. On a broader level, this department oversees all legal affairs involving the parishes. Learn More.
Marriage & Family Life:
Conducts Marriage Preparation classes (including Engaged Encounter weekends). Supports family ministry at the parish level by designing and providing materials, leadership training, family ministry programs, and a wide variety of customized ministry services both in English and Spanish, thus providing priests, deacons, staff and volunteers with assistance in serving the needs of the families in their parish communities and fulfilling the Church’s vision for families. Learn More.
Marriage Tribunal:
Through its office in Los Angeles, as well as a northern branch in Oxnard, enables people to vindicate their rights in the Church, most significantly their rights to clarify matrimonial status; serves the parishes by enabling pastoral ministers to reconcile people to the Church, receive people into the church, and establish freedom to marry. Tribunal staff members also serve as consultants in matters of canon law to parish ministers. Learn More.
Moderator of the Curia / Vicar General: Assists the Archbishop in the administration of the Archdiocese; serves as the delegate and executive officer of the Archbishop for the coordination of the Archdiocesan Catholic Center, fostering the continuing pastoral nature of the services provided there. Learn More.
New Evangelization and Parish Life:
The Office of New Evangelization & Parish Life (ONEPL) exists to form missionary disciples of Jesus Christ by casting a vision of evangelization throughout the entire Archdiocese of Los Angeles. We accompany Archdiocesan offices, parishes and individuals to transform parish culture and the world through consultation, discipleship formation, discernment and leadership development. Learn More.
Serves the departments and ministries at the Archdiocesan Catholic Center. Responsibilities include managing the phone systems, staffing the switchboard, employee access cards and parking. The operation department serves as a liason with Jamison, and coordinates repairs and maintains/services office systems. Staff members also provide assistance and direction in finding baptismal certificates or other sacramental certificates. Learn More.
Pastoral Councils:
Helps to carry out the mission of Christ, therefore the development of structures is sometimes necessary to coordinate the various efforts of all who are involved in this endeavor. Enlivened and motivated by the Sunday liturgy, the faithful of each parish are encouraged to go out and spread the “Good News.” The faithful are called to be more fully the church, a beacon of hope and joy to all in this time and place. What better way to contribute to that vision than by beginning as a member of the Parish Pastoral Council? Learn More.
Planned Giving (Trusts and Estates):
Assists those who wish to use trust and estate planning to donate assets to archdiocesan institutions. Learn More.
Pontifical Mission Societies of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles (Mission Office):
Supports the global Church’s outreach to the most vulnerable, especially in mission territories. Through prayer, financial assistance, and solidarity, we help missionaries bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to those who have not yet heard it and sustain vital ministries—nurturing faith, providing education, healthcare, and compassion to those in need. Learn More.
Purchasing/Mail Center:
Is responsible for distribution of General Mailing (weekly on-line postings) as well as Supplemental mailings (hard copy mailings) sent on scheduled dates throughout the year via U.S. Mail to the priests of the Archdiocese. Assists employees in printing materials and other duplication needs. Works with standard delivery systems such as U.S. Mail, United Parcel Service, and Inter-Office mail. Responsible for purchasing and maintaining supplies and equipment. Learn More.
Real Estate:
Advises and assists the parishes in real estate matters, including buying and selling, leasing (either as landowner or as tenant), paying property taxes and filing for exemptions, obtaining needed approvals, etc.; maintains all real estate records and files. Oversees all real property for the Archdiocese. Learn More.
Religious Education:
Develops, promotes, advocates for, and implements a shared vision, guidelines and models for Catechetical Ministry throughout the Archdiocese; convenes and provides (English and Spanish) leadership training and formation, in-services, networking, and support for all involved in the ministry of religious education, youth and young adult ministry, adult education; and integrates a justice perspective and a sensitivity to the multicultural diversity of the Archdiocese in all programs and plans. It also sponsors the annual Religious Education Congress. Learn More.
Respect Life Ministry (See Office of Life, Justice & Peace):
Promotes the dignity and sanctity of human life from conception to natural death through programs advocating prayer, education, pastoral care and advocacy. (now part of the Office of Life, Justice & Peace)
Restorative Justice/Detention Ministry:
Ministers as chaplains, volunteers, advocates to the incarcerated and to facility staff, and in other ways to victims, their families and friends, and to the families and friends of offenders; works with parishes to provide a supportive community for persons reentering the parish from a detention facility. Learn More.
Safeguard the Children:
Coordinates parish committees set up to address the parishes’ and parishioners’ needs with respect to creating parish and school environments that are safe for children. Learn More.
Sisters’ Council (See Vicar for Women Religious):
Working with the Vicar for Women Religious, addresses issues relevant to Sisters serving in the Archdiocese.
Special Services:
Works in concert with the Archbishop in implementing a variety of special projects, international pilgrimages, development, special events, and the interfacing with those whose time, talent and treasure ensures the vitality of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Learn More.
Angelus News / Vida Nueva:
These two news publications (two separate entities, with Angelus in English and Vida Nueva in Spanish) serve as the primary communications resources for our Archdiocese, providing information and news on parish and community celebrations, religious education, and official Church teachings. Go to Angelus News website.
Vicar for Canonical Services:
Acts as first advisor in all affairs of canon law except in those matters pertaining to the Marriage Tribunal. Learn More.
Vicar for Clergy:
Promotes the both the spiritual and physical well-being of clergy and provides for the continuing formation of priests and deacons providing pastoral leadership in the parishes of the Archdiocese. Administers ecclesiastical assignments for priests and deacons in the Archdiocese. Learn More.
Vicar for Women Religious:
The Office of the Vicar for Women Religious serves as a liaison for the Archbishop and the women religious living and serving in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. In recognition of the diversity of charisms and ministries of religious institutes, the Office serves as a resource center as it fosters inter-congregational and inter-cultural dialogue and collaboration. Learn More.
Vice Chancellor:
Assists the Chancellor in her administration of the Archdiocesan Catholic Center and Leadership Team. Learn More.
Victims Assistance Ministry:
Cares for the well-being of the individual who has presented a formal allegation of sexual misconduct against a priest, deacon, or church worker of the archdiocese. Learn More.
Coordinates Archdiocesan efforts to recruit and assess candidates who may well serve our parishes in the future as priests and religious; provides resources for the promotion and discernment of vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Learn More.
Represents the voice of the Archbishop – the head liturgist – in the liturgical life of the Archdiocese; fosters, nurtures, and enhances liturgical celebration within the Archdiocese through education and formation of all ministers, inclusive of clerical and lay; acts as a consultative office for Church liturgical renovation; prepares and celebrates stational liturgies. Learn More.