Marriage Tribunal

Telephone: (213) 637-7245

Fax: (213) 637-6245

The Marriage Tribunal is an extension of the Archbishop’s juridical ministry to the people of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. This office is staffed by priests, deacons, religious and lay persons trained in Canonical Law together with their support staff.

The ministry of the Marriage Tribunal is one part of the Church’s effort to offer healing and hope to the victims of failed marriages. The Tribunal investigates these situations to determine whether the parties in certain instances may be free to remarry.

Faithful to Catholic tradition, we maintain the innate dignity of marriage and the Gospel’s prohibition against arbitrary and unwarranted divorce. At the same time, we live in an imperfect society in which divorce is a common reality. In accord with Canon Law, all previously married individuals (Catholic or not) have the right to seek clarification of the canonical status of their previous marriage(s).

We hope that the information contained on the following pages will help you to become acquainted with our ministry on behalf of the Church. We also present information for parish marriage case ministers on the procedures to be followed in preparing cases for consideration by the Tribunal.

The information regarding testimonial letters, lack of forms, permissions and dispensations involved in marriage preparations is now available through the Tribunal. Our staff will gladly assist and answer any questions you may have regarding these matters by calling us at (213) 637-7361.

Get to know our staff below and click here to learn more about our ministry and to view our resources, guidelines, forms and online payment tool.


Our Staff

Fr. Reynaldo Matunog, JCL

Judicial Vicar


(213) 637-7203

Executive Tribunal Team



Marriage Tribunal Team