All consecrated women, including members of religious institutes, secular institutes and associations of the faithful, living and ministering in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles are members of the Association of Consecrated Women. Membership becomes effective upon assignment to ministry within the Archdiocese.
Intended to foster relationships and networks of support among consecrated women within the Archdiocese, this Association has as its purpose to:
- Provide a forum for conversation among consecrated women of the Archdiocese
- Build bonds of unity and strengthen camaraderie among the sisters through prayer and interaction
- Facilitate inter-community cooperation and collaboration
- Provide opportunity for on-going religious formation
- Act as a consultative body to the Vicar for Women Religious
The Coordinating Council is comprised of members of the Association of Consecrated Women willing to serve as leaders and animators, providing opportunities for a variety of experiences intended to foster those relationships and networks of support for the group. In particular, the Coordinating Council is responsible for designing, preparing, coordinating and evaluating each gathering or event.
The Coordinating Council is drawn from the members of the Association of Consecrated Women who wish to serve in a leadership capacity. The term of service is three years, beginning in September of each year and can be renewed. A chairperson is chosen from within the group for one year and can be re-selected. The Vicar for Women Religious is a permanent member of the Coordination Council.