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What reconsecrating the US to the Virgin Mary means in a pandemic

Friday, May 1, 2020, may turn out to be the most important day in the course of this coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis we Americans are living through together — the day the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) leads us in a reconsecration of our nation to the Blessed Mother.

“Through a collective dedication or entrustment of a nation to Mary, an act of consecration is meant to be a reminder to the faithful of the Blessed Mother’s witness to the Gospel and to ask for her effective intercession before her Son on behalf of those in need,” explained the USCCB April 23 in a message announcing the event.

What does that mean for you and me? When we consecrate ourselves to God through the Blessed Mother, we are making a powerful invitation for them to be more a part of our lives.

(Click here to read the entire Angelus News article)