For latest Archdiocese COVID-19 Updates, click here.
All parishes in Los Angeles County must fill out and post Appendix A, in a highly visible area outside the church.
5 Questions about the COVID-19 Vaccines Answered
We are grateful to finally have a vaccine against COVID-19. Recently, the development of these vaccines has raised several ethical questions among our Catholic community. This FAQ is intended to help Pastors, Teachers and Parish Leaders provide answers to the communities we serve. Please note that links to more in-depth resources are also provided below under Articles and Additional Resources.
Ministry in the Time of COVID-19
Parish ministries are not meeting face to face right now. But, that doesn’t mean your ministry has to slow down! Now is a great time to reach new people, educate and form parishioners, and accompany those in need. Learn more HERE!
COVID-19 Testing and Vaccines Appointments
- Find a COVID-19 Testing Site
- Sitos que ofrecen la prueba de COVID-19
- Book an COVID-19 Vaccination Appointment
- Haga una cita para ser vacunado contra el COVID-19
- Find a COVID-19 Testing Site
- Sitos que ofrecen la prueba de COVID-19
- Book an COVID-19 Vaccination Appointment
- Haga una cita para ser vacunado contra el COVID-19
- Find a COVID-19 Testing Site
- Sitos que ofrecen la prueba de COVID-19
- Book an COVID-19 Vaccination Appointment
- Haga una cita para ser vacunado contra el COVID-19
To receive updates on the coronavirus or other ADLA news and information, please visit this webpage or text ADLA to 84576.
The following government webpages offer further updates:
Articles and Additional Information
- U.S. Bishop Chairmen for Doctrine and for Pro-Life Address the Use of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 Vaccine | USCCB
- USCCB Moral Guidance on Vaccines
- USCCB Statement: Moral Considerations Regarding the New COVID-19 Vaccines
- Pope Francis and the Pope emeritus receive Covid-19 vaccine
- Archbishop Gomez receives COVID-19 vaccine, thanks healthcare workers | Angelus News
- Public Discourse: Moral Guidance on Using COVID-19 Vaccines Developed with Human Fetal Cell Lines, Article by Fr. Nicanor Austriaco, O.P.
- Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Note on the morality of using some anti-COVID-19 vaccines
- Chairmen of the Committee on Doctrine and the Committee on Pro-life Activities: Moral considerations regarding the new COVID-19 vaccines
- USCCB Pro-life Activities, Biomedical Research : Moral Guidance on vaccines
- National Catholic Bioethics Center : Points to Consider on the use of COVID-19
- National Catholic Bioethics Center : Must Catholic Refuse a COVID-19 vaccine made with cell line from an abortion?
- Charlotte Lozier Institute: What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccines
- Charlotte Lozier Institute: COVID-19 vaccines and fetal cell lines
- Charlotte Lozier Institute: Update COVID-19 vaccine candidates and abortion-derived cell lines
- Charlotte Lozier Institute: Operation Warp Speed: Analysis of COVID-19 vaccine candidates
- Los Presidentes de los Comités de Doctrina y Actividades Pro-Vida de la USCCB se Pronuncian Sobre el Uso de la Vacuna de Johnson & Johnson contra el Covid-19 | USCCB
- Comunicado USCCB: Consideraciones morales con respecto a las vacunas COVID-19
- Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe: Nota sobre la moralidad del uso de algunas vacunas contra la Covid-19
- Secretariado de Actividades Pro-Vida: Respuestas a las preguntas éticas clave sobre las vacunas contra el Covid-19