Learning Hub: Webinars & Wellness Challenges

HR Wellness
Past Events and Challenges
Creating a Respectful Workplace – by Optum

To view the recording of this webinar, click here

Intergenerational Caregiving – by Kaiser Permanente || March 19, 2024

Life brings many challenges when it comes to juggling work, raising a family and caregiving for an elderly family member. In this webinar, we explored some of the challenges related to meeting the needs of multiple generations and we learned how to brainstorm creative solutions. We were invited to create a realistic action plan, using personal strengths to help care for ourselves and our family.

To view the recording of this webinar, click here.

“Menopause and Mental Health” – by Optum

Menopause marks the end of a woman’s period and reproductive years. Some women look forward to this change, while others do not. Most women, however, do not welcome the symptoms that come with menopause, particularly when it comes to their mental health. This session unpacks menopause and mental health, dispelling some of the myths and presenting the facts. In this session we found practical strategies for women entering this stage in life.

To view the recording of this webinar, click here.

Taking Care of Your Heart – by Kaiser Permanente – February 27, 2024

The heart is the hardest working muscle in the body. In this webinar brought to you by Kaiser, attendees learned about heart disease and how to identify associated risk factors. The Mediterranean and plant based meal plans were highlighted in relationship to keeping our heart healthy. We were invited to create a realistic heart-healthy action plan, using personal strengths to keep our heart healthy for life.

To view the recording of this webinar, click here.

Employee Assistance Program Webinar – by Optum  –  February 12 & 13 , 2024

Thank you for joining the Employee Assistance Program Webinar brought to you by Optum. This session shed light on how employees can seamlessly access these resources through the online portal. We hope you discovered the wealth of tools designed to support your well-being and learned convenient ways to leverage them via the online platform.

To view the recording of this webinar, click here.

“Taking Care of YourSELF: Sleep, Exercise, Love, and Food”  – January 17, 2024

Thank you for joining the “Taking Care of YourSELF: Sleep, Exercise, Love, and Food,” brought to you by Kaiser Permanente. This exclusive webinar was designed to provide valuable insights and strategies to elevate your self-care in the key areas of Sleep, Exercise, Love, and Food. We hope you gained knowledge that you can seamlessly incorporate into your daily life to support your health and well-being.

To view the recording of this webinar, click here.

Wellness Homepage

Human Resources has developed a Wellness program for all employees. Return here to find more resources and to motivate you into joining this initiative.

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