Homelessness and Poverty Resources

We see our neighbors on the streets everyday going without shelter and the basic necessities for life. You can help. 

There are approximately 58,000 homeless people living on the streets of Los Angeles. This is one of the largest homeless populations in the country. Feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, and sheltering the homeless are all corporal works of mercy and express the vision of love and mercy we are called to show our homeless brothers and sisters.

Find resources for those in need:

Call 211 for Emergency Referrals – 24 Hour Hotline


Families with Children in Need of Emergency Housing
Call 211 and ask for the Family Solutions Center in their area. They will provide immediate shelter and transition to permanent housing. If you encounter a family or older adult, you can call on their behalf.

All Other Services
Call 213-225-6581 to speak to someone during business hours or visit:

What is the Catholic Community Doing to Serve Our Homeless Sisters and Brothers? 

(Click on Image to Download the report on Catholic Social Services in Los Angeles)


Get Involved

Join the City and Countywide effort to end homelessness

Days of Compassion

The Mayor’s Office is hosting Days of Compassion to collaborate with others working in the community to end homelessness. You can join in this unique effort.

Volunteer at Parishes with Cold Weather Shelters in San Gabriel Region

East San Gabriel Valley Coalition for the Homeless

Parishes in the San Gabriel Region organize cold weather shelters from December 1st through March 31st for 200 homeless individuals, providing shelter, showers, clothes, warm meals, medical care, and more. See how you can support this amazing effort.

Support Your Local Catholic Charities Location

Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities addresses human suffering and larger social issues such as poverty, hunger and nutrition, homelessness, immigration, health care, mental health and illiteracy. Charities various locations throughout the Archdiocese offer food, clothing, rent and utility assistance, motel vouchers, transportation, job training, child care, help signing up for CalFresh, WIC, and MediCare, elder support, legal resources, immigration and citizenship assistance, refugee resettlement and more. Keep their number on hand for referrals for your parishioners.

Run a Drive for St. Vincent De Paul Society


St. Vincent De Paul Society helps the needy become self-sufficient by providing financial and emotional support, food, clothing, furniture, appliances, housing and resources in Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. Their work spans all the corporal works of mercy. Host a drive to collect items for their thrift store or the SVDPLA Society at your parish.

Host a Homeless Family at Your Church


Family Promise helps homeless children by helping their families stay intact, regain stable housing and return to steady work through the support of their community. They partner with churches to offer families temporary housing, hospitality and assistance to help them get back on their feet.

Help Build a Family a Secure Home


Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles (Habitat LA) strives to eliminate substandard housing through advocacy, education and partnership with families and individuals in need to build decent, sustainable and affordable housing. Their Catholic Coalition raises funds and volunteers aged 16+ help build homes for families. Join the Habitat LA Catholic Coalition. Parishes commit to raising funds for housing and help build a house for a family in need.

Join the Homeless Count

Greater LA Homeless Count

In order to make sure every person can receive the shelter and support they need, the County of LA organizes a homeless count. Many parishes have found this to be a great first step for their parishioners to encounter our homeless neighbors and learn about their needs.

Other Ways to Get Involved:


Pray with the Intercessions for the Homeless and Those in Poverty

Pray with St Benedict Joseph Labre prayer card


Download the PDF Prayer HERE


Support Your Parish Food Pantry
So many of our parishes have food pantries for those in need. Call your parish office and find out how you can get involved.


Learn the Facts of Poverty

A project of Catholic Campaign for Human Development, Poverty USA has lesson plans for elementary, high school, and adults to learn the facts of poverty, hunger, and homelessness. These lesson plans help groups to learn about the underlying causes and how they can advocate for the poor and vulnerable.


Host a Conversation
The Welcome Home Project seeks to engage Angelenos in conversations about homelessness to educate them on the City’s solutions and mobilize them toward action. Your parish can sign up to host a conversation and create a Welcome Home Basket for your recently housed neighbors in need.


Educate Students with Respect Life Week Curriculum
Our annual Respect Life Week includes information for TK-12 about poverty, homelessness, and ways students can serve their neighbors in need.


Educate Yourself and Your Parish with Angelus News Articles: