Healthcare Professionals Mass

Doctors, Nurses and other health care professionals.
We hope to see you at this year’s Mass on Sunday, October 13, 2024, at 3:30 PM at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels.

This Mass is a collaborative effort between the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and Mission Doctors Association.

The Healthcare Professional Mass is known by some as the “White Mass” because of the white lab coats traditionally worn by the Healthcare Profession.

The White Mass dates back to the late 1800s and is held often near October 18, the feast day of St. Luke the Evangelist, the patron saint of physicians and surgeons.

This year the Archdiocese honors ALL who serve in the Healthcare Profession including physicians, nurses, chaplains, physical therapists, mental health caregivers, chiropractors, receptionists, dietary staff, lab workers and administration.  All these professionals have had an impact in this stressful time of our current pandemic guiding our community toward wellness and we want to show them our immense gratitude. We honor their gifts, talents, and vocation as they live out their faith in their work.

The Mass is held annually to support the healthcare professionals spiritually as we call to mind in their ministry of care.  They are extending the healing ministry of Jesus Christ and the Lord walks by their side in their vocation.

Blessing of the Hands of the Healthcare Professionals will take place after the acknowledgements near the end of Mass.

This Healthcare Professionals Mass is for hospital and nursing home personnel, physicians, nurses, chaplains, physical therapists, mental health caregivers, chiropractors, administration, dietary staff, registration, security, environmental services, maintenance, transport, lab workers and ALL those involved in the healthcare field.

Please visit the Catholic Healthcare page to view more information, learn about this year’s Mass.

Catholic Healthcare

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