Our local Church was born out of the Church’s mission to the nations and the first evangelization of the Americas. We need to reclaim our missionary history! And we need to recognize that this missionary heritage comes to us today as both a gift and a duty.
-Archbishop José H. Gomez
View and Download Evangelization Resources
Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel (Evangelli Gaudium)
- An ecclesial renewal which cannot be deferred[27-33]
- We are all missionary disciples[119-121]
- Person to person[127-129]
- Spiritual reading[152-153]
- Personal encounter with the saving love of Jesus[264-267]
Resources for Lectio Divina
- Gospel Reflection Process – Excellent resource from Bishop David O’Connell of our San Gabriel Pastoral Region.
- DailyGospel.org – Gospel of the day, with commentary by Church fathers/saints.
- Universalis.com – This paid app provides a helpful lectio divina for the Gospel of each day.
- Sunday Readings with Scott Hahn – At AngelusNews.com, short reflections aimed to inspire prayer.
- Paul Center for Biblical Theology – Free online Bible studies, audio courses, and more.
Resources for Prayer and Spirituality
- Magnificat – A monthly spiritual publication designed to encourage liturgical and personal prayer, with daily Mass readings, spiritual reflections, essays on the saints’ lives and selections from the Church’s Liturgy of the Hours.
- Discerning Hearts – More than 3,000 podcasts for download from some of the top spiritual teachers today.
- E-Catholic Library of Catholic Christian Classics – An online collection of great works on prayer, Scripture, the saints, and spirituality.
- Laudate – A free app for Android and iPhone and iPad that includes basic prayers, the Liturgy of the Hours, two translations of the Bible, the Catechism, and resources for praying the Rosary, going to Confession, and much more.
- Online Scriptural Rosary – From the Knights of Columbus, helps deepen our reflections on the mysteries of Our Lord’s life.
Resources for Forming Missionary Disciples
- Office of the New Evangelization – Our Archdiocesan office has the essential task of helping to reach and inspire people to want to lead others to friendship with Jesus Christ. The Office can help form parish catechetical leaders and provide ongoing formation for leaders and catechists. Specific examples include the Office’s Vision of Evangelization and Pathway to Missionary Discipleship.
- Office of Religious Education – The Office has a special focus on the formation of young people. Yearly, ORE has a Youth Day, the City of Saints Teen Conference, and the Christian Leadership Institute which forms teen leaders.
- AngelusNews.com – Our weekly magazine, Angelus, and our monthly Spanish newspaper, Vida Nueva, are aimed at forming missionary disciples, helping our people to see the world through the eyes of faith and to grow in their relationship with Christ. In my weekly column, I offer reflections on the issues of the day and practical advice for living our Catholic faith.
- Word on Fire – A wealth of resources for parishes and individuals, including a daily blog on faith and culture and writings by Bishop Robert Barron of our Santa Barbara Pastoral Region
- United States Catholic Conference of Bishops – Resources for forming missionary disciples include Webinars, “Disciples Called to Witness” (Statement of Bishops’ Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis), and “Rediscovering the Faith.”