Summer Bible Week

Catholic Bible Institute: Summer Bible Week 2024

CBI Resources
Who Is This That Even the Wind and Sea Obey? JESUS!

In the lectionary cycle B Mark explores the question of who Jesus is and so will we in this weeklong immersion into the Jesus, culminating in a day-long retreat to pray with I AM.
Monday through Thursday June 24-27, we meet from 7-8:30pm in
Holy Family Catholic Church, 209 E Lomita Ave, Glendale, CA 91205
If you would like to make a donation to help us bring more wonderful talks, please use the QR code or click here. Thank you for your generosity!
  • June 24, 2024 – Jesus as Teacher and Healer Fr. Felix Just, S.J., Archdiocese of Los Angeles || View Recording Here
  • June 25, 2024 – Jesus as MessiahFr. Leo Ortega, St. John’s Seminary, Camarillo || View Recording Here
  • June 26, 2024 – Jesus as ProphetSr. Monica Cardona || View Recording Here 
  • June 27, 2024 – Jesus as Redeemer and SaviorFr. Parker Sandoval, Archdiocese of Los Angeles || View Recording Here
  • June 29, 2024 – Jesus as I AmNew Evangelization Team || View Recording Here

The words and actions of Jesus found in the Gospel contain a transformative power for your life. During this day retreat participants will journey through the “I AM” statements declared by Jesus. Through prayer, music, small group sharing, and a chance to hear the liberating and saving message of the Gospel, participants will discover in a richer way, who Jesus is and why knowing him personally unlocks for you the treasures of the kingdom of God.

lead by the Evangelization Team from the

Office for New Evangelization and Parish Life:

  • Bobby Vidal
  • Katie Tassinari
  • Anitra Gil
  • Eddie Perez

Music: Andrew Heath

Download the event flyer here! (PDF Version)

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Catholic Bible Institute

The mission of the Catholic Bible Institute is to provide a space for study and reflection so that you might lose your life and find it again in Jesus. Learn more here.

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