Year Three: Art of Bible Facilitation

Year Three

CBI Process
“Provides insight into a variety of communities through a combination of theory, method, and practice.”

Art of Bible Facilitation (ABF) is the third year of the Catholic Bible Institute’s certification process. In it we introduce the candidates to the art of bible facilitation that explores the feel for improvisation.

In communion with the New Directory for Catechesis ABF provides insight into a variety of communities through a combination of theory, method, and practice.

Meeting monthly via Zoom we explore the dynamics of facilitating Bible with Adults, Young Adults, Youth, Parents, and Senior Citizens. Who are these groups? What do they need?

We also practice what we have learned. This is where the art comes in.

There are monthly reading and writing assignments that differ from the first two years of CBI.

After several months of instruction and practice teams of two are sent out on their facilitation mission to lead a Bible Study or Bible Faith Sharing group. The location, demographic, form is up to the team. We will cover all of this over the course of the year.

Each team will have a mentor to help guide them through the process from beginning to end.

See the schedule of dates and topics below. Speaker information will be updated as it becomes available. Topics may shift.

Art of Bible Facilitation 2024-2025
  • September 21, 2024 – OrientationTeam 
    • Structure of the year: theory, method, practice; writing a learning summary
    • How to organize and conduct a bible faith sharing group — step-by-step
  • October 19, 2024 – Understanding the Process of ConversationBobby Vidal, Director, Office of New Evangelization and Parish Life
  • November 23, 2024 – Art of Facilitating Bible Faith Sharing with AdultsKatie Zeigler, Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation, ADLA Office of Religious Education (ORE)
  • December 14, 2024 – Art of Facilitating Bible Faith Sharing with Young AdultsKaren Luna, Coordinator of Young Adult Ministry, ADLA Office of Religious Education (ORE)
  • January 25, 2025 – Art of Facilitating Bible Faith Sharing with YouthDayrin Perez, Coordinator of Youth Ministry, ADLA Office of Religious Education (ORE)
  • February 15, 2025 – Art of Helping Parents Facilitate Bible Faith Sharing with their ChildrenJenny Jackson, Coordinator of Youth Ministry, ADLA Office of Religious Education (ORE)
  • March 22, 2025 – Art of Facilitating Bible Faith Sharing with ImmigrantsFeliciano Tapia, Coordinator, Instituto Bíblico Católico, ADLA Office of Religious Education (ORE)
  • March 23-June 14, 2025 – Bible Faith Sharing Groups
  • June 21, 2025 – Celebration
  • September 2025 – Commissioning at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, date TBA

For more information and to register for Year Three: Art of Bible Facilitation contact Barbara Murphy or 213-924-3503. 

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Catholic Bible Institute

The mission of the Catholic Bible Institute is to provide a space for study and reflection so that you might lose your life and find it again in Jesus. Learn more here.

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