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Eucharist as ‘the greatest love story ever told’

National congress delves into the Eucharist as ‘the greatest love story ever told’

Hundreds of priests, around 100 bishops and several cardinals concelebrated the morning Mass in Lucas Oil Stadium July 18 — a liturgy that kicked off the first full day of National Eucharistic Congress that had officially opened the prior evening with a revival centered around a beautiful Holy Hour.

“To recover the centrality of Sunday Mass as God’s people are fed with the Bread of Life has to be the resolve of this grand Eucharistic congress,” Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York, the principal celebrant, said in the homily reflecting on Jesus’ “Bread of Life Discourse” in John 6.

“As Pope Francis has repeated: ‘No Eucharist, no church,'” he said.

Read full article on Angelus News.