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Rosa Ambriz

HR Generalist for Cemeteries & Mortuaries East Region

Rosa’s Core Value is Growth & Communication

Rosa Ambriz serves as the Human Resources Generalist for our Cemeteries and Mortuaries in the East Region, bringing with her 9 years of dedicated experience in HR. Rosa has worked in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles since November 2014, she has a bachelor’s degree in business administration and management, complemented by a Human Resources Certification. Rosa effectively handles the complexities of human resources with care and expertise. She values growth and communication, believing in the enriching potential of every interaction. Outside of work, Rosa finds pleasure and joy in the strokes of a paintbrush, crafting cards imbued with warmth, and tending to the flourishing life within her cherished vegetable garden. Through nurturing dialogue and fostering a culture of continuous growth, she aspires to elevate both individuals and organizations alike. And in the quieter moments, amidst the laughter and chaos, her home is filled with the loving presence of 5 Chihuahua dogs, 2 Pomeranians, 2 Pomchis, one cat, and one bird. For inquiries or collaborations, feel free to reach out to her at or call her at 213-637-7625.

Core Value

Growth & Communication

Growth & Communication core values emphasize the importance of continuous learning and development. It encourages individuals to seek out new knowledge, explore different viewpoints, and engage in constructive dialogue even when faced with disagreement or conflict. By approaching interactions with curiosity and humility, individuals can cultivate a culture of growth and mutual enrichment where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Additionally, Growth and Communication underscores the transformative power of meaningful interactions. By embracing growth as a journey and communication as a motivation for understanding, individuals can create environments where everyone has the opportunity to learn, evolve, and flourish together.

Want to contact Rosa Ambriz?

BY PHONE (213) 637-7625


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