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Father Lucio Trinidad

“I think my dream will be that the people we minister to, that they would encounter Christ… I see the need of accompanying people in their journey of faith and meeting them where they are at.”

-Father Lucio Trinidad

Age: 28
Hometown: Atemajac de Brizuela, Jalisco, MX
Home parish: St. Philip Neri, Lynwood
First parish assignment: St. John the Baptist Parish, Baldwin Park
First Mass: Sunday, June 2, 1:30pm at St. Philip Neri Catholic Church, Lynwood 

Father Lucio Trinidad

Read the Angelus News article about our new LA Priest, Lucio Trinidad.

Read on Angelus News
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Ordination 2024

Learn more about this year’s Ordination and meet the “Class of 2024” – our eleven newly ordained priests.

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