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Cute queue for Olvera Street’s Blessing of the Animals

Goats to goldfish: Join the cute queue for Olvera Street’s Blessing of the Animals

Lining up for a lovely event can be a study in spontaneous camaraderie.

One moment, you’re standing there, staring at the clouds while daydreaming, and then next? The person behind you has struck up a bit of not-so-small talk, all to find a momentary connection as both of you wait.

This kind-hearted camaraderie takes a quirkier twist at a special springtime event at Olvera Street, thanks to the furry fact that many people in line are holding turtles, rabbits, and dogs.

It’s the Blessing of the Animals, a venerable event that will, in a matter of a few years, celebrate its centennial at the historical landmark.

Read full article on NBC 4 Los Angeles.