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Archdiocese of Los Angeles to Host Guatemalan Lenten Procession

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles plans to hold a unique Lenten procession incorporating centuries-old traditions from Guatemala on March 10.

According to an emailed press release from the archdiocese, St Thomas the Apostle Church and the Cristo Rey Ministry at the parish will host a Lenten season procession featuring a replica of the Jesús Nazareno de Candelaria statue. The original statue has been venerated in Guatemala for the last several hundred years.

Processions on Holy Thursday in Guatemala also feature unique carpets, or “alfombras.” made of drawings with colored sawdust, which are placed on the streets for the processions to walk over. The archdiocese also plans to incorporate the “alfombras” into its procession.

The archdiocese added that “The procession will be led by the “Cucuruchos”: men and women wearing a purple dress called “túnica.”

Read full article on Catholic Vote.