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OneLife LA celebration draws thousands

Annual OneLife LA celebration draws thousands to downtown

The 10th annual OneLife LA was held Saturday in downtown Los Angeles, billed by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles as a celebration of the beauty and dignity of every human life from conception to natural death.

The event had the theme “10 Years Together as One” and focused on pro-life, homelessness, human trafficking, end of life, foster care and adoption, environment, the disabled and immigration, according to the archdiocese.

“OneLife LA has always been more than just a beautiful day. OneLife LA is a vision for a new way of living, a culture of life, a society where every life is sacred and every life cared for,” Archbishop José H. Gomez told a crowd at Los Angeles State Historic Park estimated by the archdiocese as in the thousands.

Read full article on Spectrum News 1