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Episode 3

LA Catholic Stories Season 2, Episode #3

Our digital team shares stories to encourage you on your journey and inspire you to reflect on your own chapter.

Each of us has a story… stories that are a fundamental part of our human experience. Learn more about the stories being told from our very own LA Catholics. See how these stories can encourage you on your journey.


The history of Christ is not a legacy from the past; it is our story, and always timely. It shows us that God was so deeply concerned for mankind, for our flesh and our history, to the point that he became man, flesh and history. It also tells us that no human stories are insignificant or paltry. Since God became story, every human story is, in a certain sense, a divine story.

Read a Message from Pope Francis
Your story is an important piece of the mosaic of our Catholic family here in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.


Think someone’s story is inspiring? Want to share how your faith has shaped your life? Our digital team is reaching out to you! Help us create the stories that are part of the great mosaic unfolding here in Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

Tell us Here!


There are inspiring and powerful stories all around us. Priests, religious, and the lay faithful all have a story to tell. Each unique chapter bears witness to the love of Christ in their lives. The LACatholics digital team has set out to capture these stories and share them with you!

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