Lea los detalles de estos 2 sábados consecutivos sobre la formación de la fe, en español.
2 consecutive Saturdays on Faith Formation with Missionary Discipleship focus at the center.
Parish Catechetical Leaders
Saturday, August 22, 2020
10am-11:30am: English
1:00pm-2:30pm: English & Spanish
Catechists & Parents
Saturday August 29, 2020
10am-11:30am: English
1:00pm-2:30pm: Spanish
Please join us on August 22 and 29 to learn how to have meaningful conversations about Jesus with our families, understand what Jesus is calling us to in these new and challenging times full of opportunities, and recognize that faith formation is not about transmitting information but is about facilitating transformation! And how do we do this in a digital world that we now find ourselves living in right now?
How Everyday Conversations Can Become an Encounter with Jesus
English 10am-11:30am
As disciples of Jesus Christ we possess the greatest news in the world! So why then is it so hard to share and talk about Jesus confidently with friends, family, and neighbors outside of Church? Since the pandemic, the opportunity to speak to families and catechists regularly about their everyday life experiences outside of Church has increased. In this presentation, Parish Catechetical Leaders will learn how to have meaningful conversations about Jesus with their catechists and families.
Bobby Vidal is the Associate Director of the Office of New Evangelization for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Bobby’s life mission has encompassed serving in the work of evangelization for more than 25 years. He has served as an Evangelization Consultant with Archdioceses, Parishes, and National Evangelization apostolates. Bobby is one of the contributing authors of the book, “Becoming a Parish of Intentional Disciples,” published by Our Sunday Visitor in 2015. In 2018, the Catherine of Siena Institute published, “Ananias Training,” a multi-media training Bobby Co-Authored with Katherine Coolidge. Ananias Training is designed to be used in parish and ministry settings to form ordinary Catholics “in the art of spiritual accompaniment” in order to evangelize and disciple one another. This program has been implemented in several dioceses and parishes throughout the United States and the UK. Bobby’s greatest passion is applying the rich Spiritual Traditions of the faith to spiritual direction and strategic plans to bring about the transformation of parish culture.
“New Wine in New Wineskins”
English 1pm-2:30pm
Jesus says we cannot pour new wine into old wineskins: the skins will burst and the wine spill. To preserve the wine, we pour new wine into fresh wineskins (Matthew 9:17). Jesus and his call to be his missionary disciples are always fresh and new. In these times of change, we can miss the moment to evangelize by reverting to “business as usual.” Jesus is challenging us to use new wineskins to bring his Good News to people amid such bad news.
Fr. Parker Sandoval was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in 2015. Prior to ministry, he worked for The Walt Disney Company in training and development for several years. He served at Resurrection Church in Boyle Heights and is now the Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, training catechetical leaders and catechist and overseeing programs such as the Catholic Bible Institute. His passion is the ministry of the Word.
De Regreso a Nuestra Nueva Normalidad ~ Covid-19: El Ministerio y Yo (PCL)
Spanish 1pm-2:30pm
This presentation is in Spanish. Please visit our Spanish Event Page: Discipulado.
Preparing Hearts and Minds: 9 Simple Ways for Catechists and Parents to Cultivate a Living Faith
English 10am-11:30am
Today, more than ever, we are recognizing that faith formation is not simply about transmitting information but is about facilitating transformation. We are not teaching a subject. Rather, we are facilitating an encounter with Jesus Christ: an encounter that is transformative. In this presentation, Joe Paprocki, DMin, will identify 9 simple strategies for preparing hearts and minds and to cultivate a living faith.
Joe Paprocki, DMin, is National Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola Press in Chicago. He has over 40 years of experience in pastoral ministry and has presented in over 150 dioceses in North America. Joe is the author of numerous books on pastoral ministry and catechesis, including the best-selling The Catechist’s Toolbox and A Well-Built Faith and his most recent, Preparing Hearts and Minds: 9 Simple Ways for Catechists to Cultivate a Living Faith (all from Loyola Press). Joe, who earned his Master’s Degree in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University’s Institute of Pastoral Studies, received his Doctor of Ministry degree from the University of St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein, IL. Joe blogs about his catechetical experiences and insights at his site Catechists Journey. He and his wife Joanne, who have 2 grown children and 4 grandchildren, live just outside of Chicago, IL.
Haciendo Discípulos para el Mundo de Hoy desde la Iglesia Domestica
Spanish 1pm-2:30pm
This presentation is in Spanish. Please visit our Spanish Event Page: Discipulado.
Download the Postcard for this event. (PDF Version)
This event is hosted by:
Archdiocese of Los Angeles – Office of Religious Education
San Fernando Pastoral Region
Dana Couso
Regional Coordinator
dcous@sfpr.org work: 818-365-5123
Juan Garcia
Administrative Assistant
jgarcia@sfpr.org work: 818-365-5123