St. Marianne de Paredes School
our school
Mission: Working in partnership with families to educate our children to be disciplined, well-rounded, and academically prepared individuals who live out the Gospel message and make a difference in the world
Philosophy: St. Marianne Catholic School, as an active ministry of St. Mariana de Paredes Parish, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, and the Catholic Church, exists to impart and promote our Catholic faith to future generations. We believe that we share in the gospel mission to proclaim the goodness of God and in partnership with families, to assist in the total development of the children we teach so that they may become disciplined, well-rounded, and academically prepared individuals who live out the Gospel message and make a difference in the world around them.
In partnership with families… The faculty community respects the rights of parents as primary educators and strives toward becoming true partners in the education and development of the whole child. In positive partnership with the diverse families of this community, we commit ourselves to continued renewal through study and learning in all areas of our lives. Working and praying with families, we form a larger community of faith, the St. Marianne Catholic School Family, and as members of this faith community, we work to create a Christian atmosphere of faith which will embrace diversity and foster a spirit of love, support, and openness. As a community, we are deeply rooted in the traditions of our school and of our faith and we are committed to carry on the charism of the founding order of the School Sisters of Notre Dame. Disciplined, well-rounded, and academically prepared individuals… It is our firm belief that we provide a child-centered educational environment which strengthens the whole child spiritually, intellectually, socially, physically, and psychologically. Therefore, we, the faculty community, in positive partnership with families, and as facilitators of learning, strive towards awakening these abilities in our children. It is our goal to produce disciplined, well-rounded, and academically prepared members of the Christian community through the provision of an outstanding integral education, allowing our faith to permeate every aspect of the school environment including not only academics and religious instruction, but extending to the very atmosphere in the offices and classrooms, on the playground and at school events.
Who live out the Gospel message and make a difference in the world around them…. Jesus Christ is the reason for the existence of our school, and He is at the center of everything we do. In imitation of Him we strive to teach our children the Gospel message of love and service. We teach what it means to live lives of service for others, and we model our own commitment to social justice through our active involvement in service to our parish, our community, and our world. We are committed to providing our students with the best possible academic instruction and religious values, preparing them to become disciplined, well-rounded, and academically prepared Christian citizens in the world of work, and preparing them for full membership in the Church, and active citizenship in their community and nation. We challenge St. Marianne Catholic School students to take the gifts that they have received and share them with others and, following the example of Jesus Christ, to make a difference in the world.