Our faith formation specialization series is a 20 hour program which helps the catechist to learn what and how to catechize young 3, 4 & 5 year old children. Components of the series include:
- Philosophy/EC Program Setting
- Exploring God’s Gift of Feelings & Emotions
- Behavioral Management/Mindfulness
- Appreciation: Family, Friends & Community
- Awareness of Our Senses
- Storytelling/God Message
- Children Love Animals!
- Understanding Grief and the Young Child
- Seasons and Our Environments
- Seeds, Easter and New Life
- Music and Movement Ideas
- Table and non-Eucharistic Celebrations
Homework Information
Homework is an option for the Specialization Series for a maximum of three workshops (out of the 20 workshops total) that a person does not attend in its entirety. Homework must be completed by the last session of that particular EC Specialization in order for a Record of Attendance to be received by the participant. Assignment of homework is at the discretion of the Early Childhood Consultant.
To schedule a workshop at your parish or to attend one of our specialization series, please call the Early Childhood consultant at: (213) 637-7359