
Let’s keep working for a California that protects the weak and vulnerable, a California where every human life is considered sacred and is welcome and cherished from conception to natural death.

-Archbishop José H. Gomez

This year, California voters will decide whether to ratify Proposition 1, an extreme constitutional amendment that would enshrine a permanent right to abortion without limits at taxpayer expense, for any reason, even for women from other states and up to moments before birth.

Join LA Catholics and Catholics from across our state and say #NoOnProp1.

Prop 1 isn’t needed

Don’t hand lawmakers a blank check to pay for abortions, and don’t let them make California an “abortion sanctuary.

Learn More Here


Read the news article from ‘The Pillar’ where they discuss Prop 1 as ‘extreme, expensive and unnecessary’. Read how Republicans for Choice and Democrats for Life are working together to oppose a ballot initiative.

Read Here