Pregnancy and Parenting Resources

“No woman should ever face a pregnancy feeling alone, or desperate, or like she has no other options. These are our sisters. We cannot be indifferent to their fears. We need to be near to them, to help them in every way that we can.”

-Archbishop José H. Gomez

For pregnancy help in California:
Call Options United at 1-877-398-7734
There are so many wonderful resources for pregnant and parenting families. Options United refers to all the pregnancy resource centers in Southern California. These centers can help connect pregnant women with medical care, insurance, housing, food, baby items, maternity clothes, childcare, and more.

Find Resources for Moms and Dads
This website has helpful tips for everything from health, housing, and materials to parenting, life hacks, education and career advice for moms.

Get Involved
A lot of parishes host a baby shower, diaper drive, baby bottle fundraiser, or a drive for pregnancy resource centers in their area. These are a good way to start, but here’s some more creative ways your parish can support pregnant and parenting families.

Organize a Blessing for Pregnant Mothers and Unborn Children 
Pray with the Rite of Blessing for Unborn Children at the end of Mass to honor the sanctity of life. You can also organize a Holy Hour for Life or a Rosary for Life.
Visit Your Local Pregnancy Center
Take your Respect Life Group, RCIA, confirmation class, youth group, or anyone who wants to the local pregnancy resource center for a tour! Many pregnancy centers need volunteers to sort baby items or share information, and this is a great way to introduce your parish to the center.

Start a Pregnancy or Parenting Support Group
Many moms and dads, especially those facing difficult pregnancies or single parenthood, are overwhelmed and looking for a welcoming community. Offer parenting classes, Mommy & Me classes, a mom’s walking club, summer reading program, or have your Respect Life Group meet at someone’s house and welcome kids to play while the parents talk.
Visit for a beautiful curriculum for pregnant/parenting moms.

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