Ongoing Formation Opportunities – Re-certification

Catechist Certification
Catechist Formation
ORE Opp for Leaders


The Office of Religious Education in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles offers a variety of opportunities for your ongoing formation and to fulfill the requirements to maintain the currency of your catechist or master catechist certification.

Please find below Re-Certification Forms, download the one that corresponds to you to keep record of your hours for Re-Certification.

Ongoing Formation for Catechetical Leaders, Parish Formation Leaders (OCIA, Sacramental teams, any minister and the faithful)

We are offering the opportunity to catechetical and any parish leader to participate in the classes offered for Advanced Ministry Studies as an ongoing formation with current topics that will update their formation in ministry like: The Identity of Catechesis and the Catechist, Evangelization and Catechesis, The Pedagogy of Faith, Methodology in Catechesis and Faith Development, OCIA and the Catechumenal Model for Faith Formation, and more. Download the informational flyer here.

For more information and to register please contact Flor de Maria Luna at  or by phone to: 213- 637-7654

If you have questions or need assistance please contact:

Flor de Maria Luna  or by phone to: 213- 637-7654
Elizabeth Argueta or by phone 213-637-7358

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