
“And passing along by the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net in the sea; for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, “Follow me and I will make you become fishers of men.” And immediately they left their nets and followed him. And going on a little farther, he saw James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, who were in their boat mending the nets. And immediately he called them; and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants, and followed him.”

– Mark 1:16-20

Vision of Evangelization

To HEAR Jesus’ Call to Be His Disciple

To GIVE our entire life over to Jesus as His Disciple

To GO and make Disciples of Jesus


The Journey of Missionary Discipleship

When we read the Gospels, we see that a person grows in becoming a disciple of Jesus in stages. To better grasp the journey of becoming a missionary disciple, we can break down the journey into three simple stages using our vision statement:

HEAR To Hear Jesus’ call to be His disciple
GIVE To Give our entire life over to Jesus as his disciple
GO To Go and make disciples of Jesus

These three stages of the journey lay out a pathway that can be used by all the baptized to help someone make the journey to become a missionary disciple.

Click here for more details about the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Vision of Evangelization

Click here for more details about How the Archdiocese of Los Angeles lives out the Vision of Evangelization

Office of New Evangelization
The Office of New Evangelization (ONE) exists to form Missionary Disciples of Jesus Christ by casting a vision of evangelization throughout the entire Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

We work with Archdiocesan Offices, parishes, and individuals to transform parish culture and the world, by accompanying them through consultation, discipleship formation, and leadership development.

Accompanying Archdiocesan Offices
The Office of New Evangelization accompanies Archdiocesan Offices with a direct impact on parish culture. Over a period of 9 months, we journey with Archdiocesan Offices to see a new vision for parish life and understand the disciple-making process, and we assist each office in seeing their unique work in light of the archdiocesan vision of evangelization.

Click here for more details on the Accompanying Archdiocesan Offices

Accompanying Parishes
The Office of New Evangelization forms a 9 month relationship with pastors, parish staff, and ministry leaders. We accompany them in the journey to becoming an evangelizing community that raises up new leaders, applies a disciple-making pathway to transform every aspect of parish life, and sends out missionaries to transform the world.

Click here for more details on the Accompanying Parishes

Accompanying Individuals
The Office of New Evangelization accompanies individuals who desire to make the journey of missionary discipleship in their daily life. Through a series of regional pathway experiences, we form individuals by helping them to hear Jesus’ call to be his disciple, to give their entire life over to Jesus as his disciple, and to go and make disciples of Jesus.

Click here for more details on the Accompanying Individuals

What is a Missionary Disciple?  What is an Evangelizing Parish?

A disciple is someone who has made a conscious and deliberate decision to give their entire life over to Jesus and seeks to live out the consequences of this decision in the midst of His Church for the sake of the world.

Click here for the Characteristics of a Missionary Disciple and an Evangelizing Parish

The Missionary Discipleship Pathway
Missionary Discipleship Pathway is the disciple-making process the Archdiocese uses to form missionary disciples by offering pre-evangelization, kerygma, catechesis, and missionary formation experiences in a cohesive way.

Click here for an outline of the Missionary Discipleship Pathway

The Kerygma
The Kerygma is the core Gospel Message. It is a Greek word that means, “preaching.”  The proclamation of the Kerygma awakens a living faith in Jesus Christ that allows a person to become a disciple.

The most basic form of the kerygma contains five elements. These five elements are Life, Jesus, Cross, Decision, New Life.

St. John Paull II describes the kerygma this way, “The initial, ardent proclamation by which a person is one day overwhelmed and brought to the decision to entrust himself to Jesus Christ by faith.” (Catechesi Tradendae 25)

Click here for English Handouts on the Kerygma in Five Movements

Click here for Spanish Handouts on the Kerygma in Five Movements

Pastoral Councils
Why Pastoral Councils?

Pastors establish councils because they seek practical, wise and prudent advice on pastoral matters. Parishioners want to be of service to the pastor and the parish community. Council members have the satisfaction of doing an important task and contributing to the well- being of the Church. Serving on councils provides them this opportunity.

Links to the Revised Pastoral Council Guidelines

 Spiritual Direction


Parish Leadership Teams:  Questions for Meaningful Conversation during COVID-19

Ideas for reaching others during COVID-19

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