The Catholic Church has long been committed to working with our national leaders for immigration reform that is just and humane. My commitment also continues, and we look forward to working with the new administration and Congress.
-Archbishop Gomez
Archbishop of Los Angeles
Local Resources for LA Catholics
- Archdiocese of Los Angeles Office of Life, Justice and Peace has gathered resources to support our immigrant communities (Click Here to Find Resources)
Resources to Support our Immigrant Community
El gobierno tiene su propia responsabilidad y la Iglesia tiene su propia misión. Y en mis oraciones estoy pidiendo que durante los próximos meses lleguemos a encontrar maneras de trabajar unidos a favor del bien común.
-Archbishop Gomez
“Our prayer is one of hope that, as a Nation blessed with many gifts, our actions demonstrate a genuine care for our most vulnerable sisters and brothers, including the unborn, the poor, the elderly and infirm, and migrants and refugees. The just Judge expects nothing less.”
-Archbishop Broglio
President, USCCB
Additional Resources for our Community from the USCCB
“Accompaniment and the Catholic Faith,” a resource that aims at highlighting the importance of accompaniment in Catholic Teaching on migration, demonstrates ways in which you can accompany migrants, and provides a model that can help facilitate this process.
Catholic Social Teaching and Responsibility to Refugees and Migrants
Message from His Holiness Pope Francis For The 106th World Day of Migrants and Refugees
Pastoral Orientations on Internally Displaced People
“Accompaniment and the Catholic Faith” panfleto en inglés que destaca la importancia del acompañamiento en la enseñanza católica sobre migración, muestra formas para acompañar a los migrantes y proporciona un modelo que puede ayudar a reglamentar o formalizar este proceso.
Respondiendo a Refugiados y Migrantes: Veinte Puntos a Seguir (USCCB) – PDF
Highlights from Past Masses in Recognition of All Immigrants
Archbishop José H. Gomez celebrated the “Mass in Recognition of All Immigrants” at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels on Sunday, September 29, 2024 — the World Day of Migrants and Refugees.
This celebration was a joint effort with the Dioceses of Orange, San Bernardino and San Diego.
Download the Mass flyer here. (PDF Version) and see Mass highlights below.
El Arzobispo José H. Gómez celebro la “Misa en Reconocimiento de Todos los Inmigrantes” en la Catedral de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles el domingo 29 de septiembre – Día Mundial de los Inmigrantes y los Refugiados.
Esta celebración fue un esfuerzo conjunto con las Diócesis de Orange, San Bernardino y San Diego.
Descarga el volante de esta Misa aquí. (Versión PDF) y vea los momentos más destacado de la Misa a continuación.

Day in Recognition of All Immigrants 2023

Day in Recognition of All Immigrants 2022

Day in Recognition of All Immigrants 2021

Day in Recognition of All Immigrants 2020