Bobby Vidal
Director, New Evangelization

What is Gospel Hangout?
Gospel Hangout is an online Gospel Reflection process that connects the Gospel with life through prayer and small-group conversation using Zoom small breakout rooms. (Parishes can offer this in any language.) Training is available to help parishes get started.
Proceso virtual de reflexión del Evangelio que conecta el evangelio con la vida mediante la oración y la conversación en grupos pequeños utilizando las salas de Zoom. (Las parroquias lo pueden ofrecer en cualquier idioma.) Entrenamiento disponible para ayudar a las parroquias a iniciarse.
Gospel Hangout is not…
Gospel Hangout is not a scripture study, rather it uses a Gospel Reflection process (Lectio Divina for groups) that invites people to reflect on how Jesus in the Gospels is intersecting with their life at this moment.
Why use Gospel Hangout at my parish?
Gospel Hangout provides the chance to connect parishioners with Jesus in the Gospels and to reconnect with their community in an online format.
Consider using this process not just for existing small groups but inviting anyone from the parish to join. This maybe the deeper connection to Jesus and His Church that some people may be looking for and they do not know how to connect or maybe they just need an invitation beyond Sunday Mass.
Training In English:
Monday, August 9, 2021
6:30pm – 8:00pm Gospel Hangout experience & training
8:00pm – 8:30pm (Optional) Practice with Zoom Breakout Rooms
Registration is required for this meeting; click here to register.
Entrenamiento en Español:
Monday, August 16, 2021
6:30pm – 8:00pm ‘Gospel Hangout’ Experiencia y formación
8:00pm – 8:30pm (Opcional) Practicando con ‘Zoom Breakout’
Es necesario registrarse para esta reunión; presione aquí para registrarse.
This training is hosted by: Archdiocese of Los Angeles – Office of New Evangelization and Parish Life
Director, New Evangelization
Associate Director, New Evangelization
Spanish Evangelization Coordinator
Associate Director of Queen of Angels Center for Priestly Formation, Evangelization Consultant
Spiritual Formation Consultant
Administrative Assistant