Voting in 2024

“We have a Christian duty to change the world …”

— Archbishop José H. Gomez

My dear brothers and sisters,

Please remember that we all have a duty to be faithful citizens and to make a positive contribution to our society.

We are called to work for justice and truth and to defend the vulnerable and promote the common good of our country.

We have a Christian duty to change the world, beginning in our neighborhoods and local communities, but also taking an active role in the affairs our nation and being concerned for people everywhere in the world.

We are responsible to care for one another and we are called to create a shared community in which the sanctity and dignity of every human person is cherished and respected from conception to natural death.

In these days and weeks as we prepare for our national elections, I urge you to pray and reflect on the U.S. Bishops’ guide, “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship: A Call to Political Responsibility.

And let us continue to ask Our Blessed Mother’s intercession for America, that this great country might fulfill the beautiful vision of our missionaries and founders. As a land where all men and women are treated as children of God. With equality, liberty, and justice for all.

God bless you and your families!
-Archbishop José H. Gomez

Resources for Faithful Citizenship
U.S. Bishops Faithful Citizenship Resources
Catholics in the Public Square, 4th ed., By Bishop Thomas Olmstead, Foreword by Archbishop José H. Gomez



Please visit this webpage for additional resources to inform your judgments and guide your conscience.

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