God’s mercy matters; we all need it. That is why his door is always open to us, he is always waiting for our return.
-Archbishop Gomez

How to Make a Good Confession (download PDF here)
BEFORE Confession
- Pray – Ask God to open your heart to make a good confession
- Reflect- Look back and recall the ways you have distanced yourself from God – hurting others and yourself (Consider using an Examination of Conscience to help you prepare for confession)
DURING Confession
- Confess – Speak your sins aloud to the priest who is there to listen and love on behalf of Jesus
- Receive Penance – The priest will give you a penance — prayers or actions that will draw you closer to God and restore what is broken
- Make an Act of Contrition – Say this prayer to offer sorrow for sins committed and ask for the grace to sin no more
- Receive absolution – The priests prays the words aloud that will reconcile you with God and offer you healing
AFTER Confession
- Celebrate — Your confession is a reminder of God’s unending love and mercy
- Commit — Follow through on your penance and share God’s tenderness with the world.
God is not frightened by people’s sins, mistakes or failures.
-Pope Francis