CBI Enrichment

CBI Process

The only requirement for those who choose to enroll for personal enrichment is that you come every month and share with each other what Scripture has done for our life.

We do encourage everyone to complete the certification assignments. Often after a couple of months many from Enrichment shift to Certification. This shift requires the work to be completed.

Enrichment participants can enter at any time but will only be considered for shift to certification if they enter in Year One.

Please keep in mind it is a yearlong commitment. We put you in a group that gathers three times during the day to talk about what they heard and how it relates to their life. Think of this as what it is, a Bible Faith Sharing group. Your presence is needed and expected.

Follow the link for the schedule and registration information

Year One: Old Testament beginning August 24, 2024

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Catholic Bible Institute

The mission of the Catholic Bible Institute is to provide a space for study and reflection so that you might lose your life and find it again in Jesus. Learn more here.

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