The Engaged Encounter weekend is a full weekend experience of marriage preparation. The weekend combines learning practical skills for a successful marriage while sharing the experience of a private retreat setting with your fiancèe/fiancè.
The weekend begins on Friday evening at 8:00 pm and ends with Mass on Sunday afternoon at 4:30 pm. Presentations by two married Catholic Couples and a Priest will stimulate the engaged couple to reflect and share with each other on self-knowledge, communication, sexuality, decision making, marriage as a sacrament, morality, family, betrothal and stewardship. The engaged couple’s personal discussion will always be from the viewpoint of their own relationship. The main thrust of the weekend is personal reflection and private couple dialogue.
Meal times, Saturday afternoon break, Saturday evening group discussion, and Sunday afternoon Mass provide opportunities for intra-couple relationships and group participation. Otherwise the weekend is designed as a private experience for the engaged couple.
Engaged Encounter Weekends are given regularly in the Archdiocese. Registration and scheduling is by email ( or mail only. Brochures and applications have been distributed to each Parish.
Reservation requests need to be made as soon as a couple decides to be married (9-12 months before the wedding is desirable). The Engaged Encounter Weekend should be completed a minimum of six months prior to the wedding date.
For schedule information visit our website at, or call (805) 529-0245.