The Bishops of the California Catholic Conference establish the guidelines according to which certification is granted to those involved in catechetical ministry. Those who successfully fulfill the requirements established in these guidelines are granted certification within their (Arch)Diocese. Certification is recognized by all the (Arch)Dioceses in the State of California.
Many catechists are not aware of how straightforward the process is to fulfill the requirements for certification as a California Catechist. The Office of Religious Education has developed a three-step process designed to lead to California Catechist Certification:
Catechists just like yourself often remark how much of the ongoing education and formation they want to take advantage of, and by simply keeping a close record and previous the steps, certification is not all that unattainable.
The Office of Religious Education strongly encourages all catechists to work toward certification to ensure the best possible resources for formation are available in our parishes and schools.