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Sierra Madre’s Mater Dolorosa retreat center badly damaged in Eaton Fire

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The Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center in Sierra Madre was badly damaged by the Eaton Fire, according to Father Febin Barose, C.P., the retreat center director.

In a Facebook post, Barose described having to evacuate Mater Dolorosa on the evening of Jan. 7 and later the emotions of seeing the fire and water-damaged facility on the morning of Jan. 8.

“Seeing the area filled with smoke and dust was devastating and heartbreaking,” Barose said in the post. “We found the garage, apartment, and hermitage fully burned down. The Seven Sorrows Garden, Paul of the Cross fountain, and Stations of the Cross have fire damage. As we went into the building, we found the De Loor Hall roof thoroughly shattered with water damage.

Read full article on Angelus News.