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Episode 7

LA Catholic Stories Season 3, Episode #7

Watch as Kathleen Anderson shares her heart transplant journey — the struggles and the healing that followed. “I now hold two hearts within me,” she said. “One physical, and one spiritual, sharing in the wonders of God’s glorious works. And I thank God every day.”

This is her LA Catholics Story.

After needing a heart transplant, this woman’s rehabilitation became spiritual

For 70 years, Kathleen Anderson’s congenital heart disease had eroded her health and brought her to her knees in prayer. As she finally prepared to undergo a heart transplant, she paused to pray and hoped to find healing and respite when she emerged from surgery.

Read on Angelus News


There are inspiring and powerful stories all around us. Priests, religious, and the lay faithful all have a story to tell. Each unique chapter bears witness to the love of Christ in their lives. The LACatholics digital team has set out to capture these stories and share them with you!

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