Catholic baptisms in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles set a record high this year with 2,075 adults, children and young people joining the Catholic Church, the largest group baptized over the Easter Holiday Weekend since 2016. The new Catholics were welcomed by Archbishop José H. Gomez during the Easter Sunday Mass on March 31, as published in the archdiocesan multimedia publication Angelus News.
“My dear elect and candidates, since the day you were born, God has been waiting for this night,” said Archbishop Gomez. “Every life is unique, every life has its ‘story.’ And what happens to us, happens for a reason. Whether you knew it or not, all your life, God has been gently guiding you to this night. Tonight your ‘story’ will be joined to ‘his story,’ to the beautiful history of salvation, the great story of God’s love for his people.”
The Archdiocese welcomed 2,075 new members who have never been baptized —also known as catechumens— at the Easter Vigil Mass this year, a 38% increase since 2016 when the total was 1,508. An additional 1,521 candidates, or adults, children and young people who mostly belonged to other denominations received the sacrament of confirmation and the Eucharist during the Easter Vigil on March 30, 2024. Since 2016, the archdiocese had a high of 1,719 total candidates in 2023.
Every year, usually on the First Sunday of Lent, catechumens and their godparents gather at cathedrals throughout the world to celebrate with the local bishop the Rite of Election. This ritual celebrates God’s call to faith in the Christian tradition. Together with the candidates, they are welcomed in the Catholic Church by the dioceses’ leaders during Easter Sunday Mass.
Participants in parishes of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, comprised by the counties of Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and Ventura, go through a lengthy process of conversion and deepening of their faith that could last a year or more.
For information, photos and videos of the new Catholics welcomed by Archbishop Gomez and the faithful this Easter, visit, archdioceseoflosangelespixieset/eastervigil, Journey to Easter Sunday video and Easter Vigil short.
About Angelus
The Archdiocese began publishing Angelus in July 2016, replacing The Tidings, which had been the Archdiocesan publication since 1895. It includes voices like renowned Vatican reporter, John Allen, Kathryn Lopez (National Review, Wall Street Journal), Grazie Pozo Christie (CNN, Miami Herald, New York Times, USA Today), and Mike Aquilina (national speaker and author of more than 50 books on Catholic themes). Best-selling Catholic author, Dr. Scott Hahn, writes a weekly Scripture column. These voices complement key contributors like Archbishop José H. Gomez, Father Ronald Rolheiser and Heather King. For more information, visit,, and