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LA bishops-elect get support during special Vespers ceremony

Hours before being ordained as auxiliary bishops for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, four LA priests remarked upon the universal aspect of their situation, and the nervous excitement that comes from readying for a big step in their lives.

“I mean, there’s quite a few priests in the archdiocese, and we have some idea what it’s like to be a priest, but to be a bishop? It’s a little intimidating,” said Bishop-elect Brian Nunes, who was chosen to deliver the homily during a Solemn Vespers prayer event Monday evening. the night before the Ordination Mass on Sept. 26.

“In many ways, preparing to be ordained a bishop is like preparing to be shot out of a cannon, on a trajectory toward the great unknown,” added Nunes.

Los Angeles Archbishop José H. Gomez led the Vespers along with hundreds of family, friends, priests and others at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels as the four bishops-elect — Nunes, Albert BahhuthMatthew Elshoff, OFM Cap., and Slawomir Szkredka — continued to lean on even the prayers offered the evening before their Sept. 26 episcopal Ordination Mass.

Read full article on Angelus News.