Statement by Bishop-elect Slawomir Szkredka || July 18, 2023
Good morning, I am Fr. Slawomir Szkredka,
Thank you, Archbishop, for your kind words. We thank today God for the gift of four new bishops for this our local Church. And I am personally thankful to the Holy Father for calling me to this ministry. I feel like Saint Peter in chapter five of the Gospel of Luke, who humbly fell to Jesus’ knees and said: “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.” But like Saint Peter, I also hear the word of Jesus: “Do not be afraid; from now on, you will be catching people.” I lower the nets at Jesus’ word, and I trust that the Lord will accomplish in me what he is calling me to do.
I entrust myself to the prayers of the people of God here in Los Angeles. Dear brothers and sisters, your faith and love have sustained and shaped my priestly ministry. Your kindness and patience toward me have been tangible signs of God’s mercy. I know the Lord will continue to bless me through you.
I am very much looking forward to working under the leadership of our shepherd, Archbishop José Gomez, and in collaboration with many lay and ordained ministers. I know Our Blessed Mother will teach us how to be good servants of the Lord.
Dios ha bendecido a la Iglesia en Los Ángeles con la hermosa riqueza de muchas culturas e idiomas que se unen como un solo cuerpo de Cristo. Todos estamos bajo la mirada amorosa de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. “¿No estoy yo aquí, yo, que soy tu Madre?” – nos dice ella a cada uno de nosotros. En el Evangelio de San Juan, la Madre de Jesús nos pide: “Hagan todo lo que Él les diga”. Hoy, mis hermanos y hermanas, yo les pido a ustedes que oren por mí para que, siguiendo el ejemplo de la Virgen, yo pueda hacer todo lo que el Señor me diga.