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Dec 13

Monday of the Third Week of Advent

Rosary Beads with image of Jesus and Mary

Frequently Asked Questions (Memorial of St. Lucy, Virgin & Martyr)

Whether we care to admit it or not, we often put God to the test. We ask for a specific answer to a particular prayer and, in exchange, we promise to go to Mass more often or say the Rosary every day or give more money to the poor. But God does not operate like Bob Barker in a spiritual version of Let’s Make a Deal. That is not how God works and it is not how prayer works, but we tend to forget that. In today’s Gospel, Jesus is put to the test. In typical fashion, he answers the crowd’s question with another question, pointing out to the people that there is no answer that will really satisfy them. What answer will satisfy you?

Daily Readings

In your kindness remember me, because of your goodness, O LORD.

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