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Dec 10

Friday of the Second Week of Advent

Burning candles on table

Finding Pockets of Prayer

The 16th-century mystic St. John of the Cross said: “Silence is God’s first language.” To which the late Trappist monk Thomas Keating added: “Everything else is a poor translation.” And there you have it. If we want to “talk” to God, we have to stop our actual talking and get down to the hard spiritual work of daily silence. Can you extend the amount of time you’re spending in silence each day? If you’re currently spending five minutes, can you double it to ten? Can you turn off the radio in your car and drive to work in silence? Can you turn off the TV and sip your tea in silence, using those spare moments to reconnect with God and with your True Self? Where can you add pockets of spiritual silence to your day?

Today’s Readings

I, the LORD, your God, teach you what is for your good, and lead you on the way you should go. -Isaiah 48:17

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