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Together in Mission

Forward with Faith

Together in Mission is the annual opportunity for thousands of Catholics like you to recommit to building God’s kingdom and investing in our local community. Some of our parishes and schools struggle to minister to their communities and others worry they may have to close their doors – doing so would affect thousands, were the need is greatest. Your gift will sustain and equip these centers of the community to stay alive today and for generations to come.

Visit our website to discover ways your generosity has helped our fellow brothers and sisters in need.

Give to Together in Mission

During our Together in Mission 2021 “Forward with Faith” Annual Appeal, your tremendous generosity will continue to provide essential resources that enrich parish life, strengthen families and communities, and inspire and educate future generations at 67 parishes and 74 schools throughout the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

Donate Today
We are #TIMgrateful