“Your love revitalizes us when circumstances threaten to dehydrate our faith.”
I feel like I am having a delayed reaction to all we have been through since March 2020. I am absolutely worn out. It has struck me by surprise because I thought by August 2021, I would just be moving along on my day-to-day work and home life activities and not be so impacted. Instead, I feel like I am treading water and just trying to stay above the surface. I am sad about the way I am feeling.
Yesterday I was thinking about this sadness when I was praying and spending time alone with Jesus. I decided to Google prayers for strength. I ran across a prayer on the Jesuit resource website. It was just what I needed for the way I am feeling. The words “your love revitalizes us when circumstances threaten to dehydrate our faith” spoke to exactly how I am feeling right now. I need to lean on Jesus to allow his love to revitalize me.
Lord, your Word promises that you “will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.”
Your Truth nourishes the root of our hearts, helping us bloom in the desert.
Your love revitalizes us when circumstances threaten to dehydrate out faith.
When we are surrounded by the dryness of uncertainties, fears, or change, saturate us with Your presence, pour Your peace into every fiber of our being until we radiate with resilience.
No matter where you have us planted, help us bloom for Your glory.
We love you. We need you. We praise you. In Jesus’s name, Amen.
After finding this prayer I felt a sense of peace. I realized one really good way for me to work through these feelings of being exhausted, sad, and overwhelmed is to turn to Jesus in prayer.
I am challenging myself during the remaining days of August to say this prayer each day and to ask Jesus to SATURATE me and to quench my dehydrated spirit. Anyone else interested in joining the challenge?