Can you believe it’s Holy Week! Where did these 40 days of Lent go? Holy week is one of my favorite weeks of the liturgical year. So much happens during Holy Week. We go from shouting Hosanna in the Highest to Crucify Him to Alleluia! He is Risen! How does this happen? Why does this all happen? One word: LOVE. The Story of Jesus is a love story.
God loves us so exponential that He sends His son, gives His Son, makes a gift of His Son for the world. Jesus, out of love and fidelity to God the Father, embraces the mission and makes himself an offering for the world.
Everything in Jesus’ life was an example of God’s love, especially the event that we are about to celebrate and remember. At the last supper he shares and leaves an example for the disciples of sharing God’s love for others. Jesus then takes up His Cross. He was mocked, rejected, tortured and ultimately killed on a cross. He embraces his death on a cross for us. The cross is a declaration of God’s love and mercy for us all. Why? Because you are worth the very life of God. Sit with this for a moment. This is how much God values you.
But the story doesn’t end on the cross. If the story ended here then hopelessness would rule us. His resurrection is the definitive moment of the Father’s love renewing all creation through His Son. The resurrection shifts and changes everything for us. Perhaps the most powerful implications of Jesus’ death and resurrection pertain to you. Jesus’ life, death, resurrection and His ascension wasn’t just to save humanity as a whole. For God we are not faceless or nameless. We are beloved sons and daughters.
Jesus’ passion and resurrection was so that you and I could experience freedom and new life. In this new life our joy is magnified and sorrows transformed. This means that no matter what you are going through, whatever pain or brokenness may be in your life, there is a path to new life. Not a system of beliefs, but rather, a person, Jesus Christ.
As we enter into the Triduum, Jesus is inviting you right now to more. As we reflect on his death and resurrection, He is inviting you to a deeper experience of God’s love. He longs for you. He longs for your heart. He longs because you are worth His very life. Enter into these Holy Days in total emptiness and with total openness. And remember He did it all for YOU!