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Protect Young Minds

Anti-Pornography Initiatives/Resources

Our mission is to empower parents, professionals, and community leaders to protect young kids from pornography and promote healing from any sexual exploitation.

Protect Young Minds provides resources to:

Prepare & Prevent

With preparation and a plan, kids can learn to reject pornography. It’s not rocket science! It’s brain science.

Help & Heal

Parents can help their kids heal from pornography use. We have a SMART Plan Guide for Parents to show you how to begin.

Share & Speak Up

Help us empower parents to protect kids from pornography and sexual exploitation. You provide the enthusiasm, we’ll provide the tools.

Prepare & Prevent

You want to protect your child, but where do you start? This Quick Start Guide for Parents will teach you the basics, help you get comfortable, and empower you with strategies to keep your kids safe. Get Your Free Quick Start Guide for Proactive Parents.

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This program/curriculum through Protect Young Minds offers students age 8-12 an engaging, video-based curriculum to keep them safe from cyber-bullying, pornography and internet addiction. Brain Defense arms kids with safe technology habits to protect their growing minds. It teaches kids refusal skills for digital dangers.

Recommended Books:

  • Good Pictures Bad Pictures
  • Good Pictures Bad Pictures Jr.

Click the Link Below to Purchase Books:

Offered in the other languages:

*Spanish, German, Chinese, Italian, Arabic, Russian



Find more Anti-Pornography initiatives/resources from the Office of Marriage and Family Life.

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