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Day 10

February 26 || Lent 2021

Go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift.

– Matthew 5:24

Discovering the secret to living this Lent to its fullest

Lent is a time we can’t afford not to take advantage of. Get to be friends with saints who will intercede for you. Take a half-hour each day during Lent to read the Catechism of the Catholic Church, so you can talk about what you believe with more confidence. But most importantly, remember what it means to be Catholic or learn it for the first time by really meditating on Christ on the cross.

Read Here


To the One who gave you all. Give your life fully to Him.

Will you let Him take care of everything?



A Aquel que nos dio todo. Da tu vida plenamente a Él.

¿Dejarás que Él se encargue de todo?


Journey with your LA Catholics family this Lent. Use our bilingual Lenten resources to help keep your eyes focused on Jesus and learn to trust in his abundant love and mercy.

Find Lenten Resources Here