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Day 5

February 21 || Lent 2021

The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.

– Mark 1:15

A return to the innocence of baptism

This First Sunday of Lent the scriptures remind us that Lent bids us to return to the innocence of baptism.

Read Here


There are so many things to say that have been unspoken. Bring the joy through beautiful words.

Will you say what needs to be said? 



Hay tantas cosas que decir que no se han dicho. Trae alegría a través de hermosas palabras.

¿Dirás lo que hay que decir?


Journey with your LA Catholics family this Lent. Use our bilingual Lenten resources to help keep your eyes focused on Jesus and learn to trust in his abundant love and mercy.

Find Lenten Resources Here